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Using AI tools to read, write, and convert code… everyday

A developer’s ability to hop between languages is probably the most sure-fire way to earn brownie points, gold stars, coding certificates signed by the President of the United States, and your lead developer’s eternal (completely unsarcastic) respect. By coding a single functionality across languages, developers can explore projects that simply aren’t possible for junior devs. Not only does this earn clout and honor, but it also feels kind of good when your development lead hands you a project and you don’t immediately start shaking in your boots. And it’s nice when he bats his eyes at you after you’ve done a good job, too. 

Of course, learning to seamlessly convert code isn’t easy. It takes time and effort to learn to read and write variations of code. So, you’re probably wondering - what’s your point? Why have you brought me here? Well, it turns out that ChatGPT is the perfect assistant for helping you read, write, and interpret code, enabling you to write new systems into existence and make your lead developer incredibly proud. 

Using ChatGPT to write code: Code-switching

ChatGPT can be used to interpret different coding languages, including Java, C++, Python and more. By simply asking ChatGPT to interpret a particular functionality for you (Java to Python, C++ to Java, and so on) developers can quickly interrogate their source code without having to manually read through lines of complex syntax. 

Not only does this save time for developers and allow them to get their projects done faster, but it also helps to reduce errors in coding due to the improved ability for users to understand exactly what their code is doing. If you had any blinders on before, ChatGPT has given you no excuse to not take them off. Simply plug your code into the chat and start writing better code.

Educate your dev team in real time (without relying on them to teach each other what the other knows)

In addition to helping programmers write better code faster with fewer errors, ChatGPT can also provide great insight into how various applications are structured–how they work and what you can ultimately do with them. By being able to comprehend context within the source code itself rather than relying solely on comments or annotations made by other developers, ChatGPT can help even experienced coders gain an understanding of unfamiliar parts of an application they may not have necessarily been aware of.

The days of Daryl knowing both Java and PHP, but being totally incapable of teaching Rob what he knows, are over. Granted, Rob’s excuses for not learning on his own are no good, but still. Except now it doesn’t matter - Optimize your dev team with ChatGPT best practices every day. 

To summarize, using ChatGPT to read and write across coding languages can lead to some pretty cool, highly practical outcomes: 

  • ChatGPT rewrites code in the specified language.

  • ChatGPT can clarify aspects of both languages that you might not understand. 

  • You are being taught tools that will make you a better developer in the long run. 

  • Give your development team a break from having to explain each other’s expertise. 

3 AI-powered steps to becoming a better developer: Using ChatGPT to convert coding languages.

AI breakdown

1. Let’s say you have a chunk of Java Script code. You need this same functionality to work in a PHP app you’re building. Leverage ChatGPT to help you convert the code so that you can execute across multiple projects and become a better developer faster.

2. Copy and paste the code into ChatGPT

3. ChatGPT will spit out your PHP. Done! But remember: If you don’t understand certain segment of either the Java or PHP, you can always ask ChatGPT to explain it to you. We can’t stress this enough, as it will help you finish project on time and all in all make you a better developer.

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